December 21st is the longest night of the year. Christians often associate the darkness of the nighttime with everything that is hard in life. The coming of the night is a time of vulnerability and sometimes aloneness. When the night is long it reminds of our fears and losses. Christmas is a celebration of light in the darkness. But sometimes we can’t get to the celebration because the grief or loss is overwhelming us. This may be the first year at the holidays without your mother or your husband. Perhaps you have lost your job, experienced a divorce, or you or a friend are fighting for life against cancer.This year we will set aside a time to acknowledge the hardship and the loss that comes in life. You are invited to come to a service of prayer, poetry,encouragement and comfort. During the longest night service you have permission to be sad, or depressed.This is a place where you can be honest about how it feels to be surrounded by the signs of wonder and joy when you just don’t feel that way.This service is not for everyone but it may be just what you need. Even though it takes place in December, it is not a Christmas service. This service may be just the thing to help you or your neighbor or your friend who is wondering how they are going to make it through the holidays. Mostly in times of hardship and grief we need to know that we are not alone. Come to the longest night service and you will discover that you are not alone. Bring someone who needs some encouragement and prayer. It is on Wednesday, December 21 at 7PM. The service will last for one hour and there will be refreshments following the service.