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     High Mountain Presbyterian Church Newsletter

                         March 24, 2023   201-891-0511/FAX201-891-0517     www.highmountainpres.org


Upcoming Events. . .

Every Sunday 10:30 AM Worship

Communion served 1st Sunday of Month

Greeting 10:15AM

Worship 10:30-11:30AM

Hospitality 11:30AM

Every Tuesday – Bible Study with Rev. Lou Kilgore 7-8:30PM

Every Wednesday Bible Study with Rev. Lou Kilgore 10-11:30AM

3/25 Sat   O’Shea Yoga 9AM-12Noon

3/26 Sun  Last Sunday in Lent 10:30AM

4/2 Sun    Palm Sunday 10:30 Easter Egg Hunt at 11:30AM

4/6 Thu    Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service at 7:30PM

4/9 Sun    Easter Sunday 10:30AM

4/14-15 Fri-Sat Confirmation Retreat at Johnsonburg Retreat Center

Easter Egg Hunt Palm Sunday

This year, immediately following Palm Sunday worship, we will be holding an intergenerational Easter Egg Hunt in the front yard.  Parents are encouraged to bring their children and adults are encouraged to reconnect with their  “inner child” and search for eggs. The Easter Bunny will be here to “Egg” everyone on!

Prayers and Announcements

We are happy to share the happenings of our church and invite church news to be emailed to office.manager@highmountainpres.org, to be considered for inclusion. Also, if you need prayers please send requests to the office.manager email.

Holy Week Schedule

We invite our members and friends and anyone who is looking to be a part of a church community to join with us here for our special Easter services beginning with:

Palm Sunday-April 2, 10:30AM

Maundy Thursday Service-April 6, 7:30PM

Easter Sunday-April 9, 10:30AM

Worship celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. Everyone is welcome!

There will be an in-person, live choir.


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During the season of Lent, One Great Hour of Sharing helps improve the lives of those in need. It is the single largest way Presbyterians come together for a better world.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is committed to immediate and long-term responses to natural and human disasters including humanitarian responses to refuge and asylum seekers.Self-development of People supports low income and marginalized communities that want to improve their lives.The congregation will be receiving addressed envelopes and inserts in the mail. Please give generously.

IF WE ALL DO A LITTLE, IT ADDS UP TO A LOT.                                                          

Special Art Gallery Show & Sale

We still have available many watercolor paintings done by Margaret Meek.  Ms. Meek was a church member at HMPC before she died several years ago, and she painted hundreds of beautiful watercolor paintings. The collection of paintings, many which are beautifully framed, have been given to the church to sell at greatly reduced prices.  The hope is that the paintings will find a good home and the church receive some money from the sale.  The paintings are being sold for $50.00 each and you are welcome to come and see the collection. You can plan to see the paintings during the week during office hours. Please call the office at 201-891-0511 if you have any questions.