Towards the end of his life Jesus tried to prepare the disciples and let them know that things were going to change. One day, Jesus spoke with the disciples about what it means to be his friends. “If you want to be my friend,” Jesus said, “you will show love to others like I do.” Jesus explained that he would not be alive forever, that he will died and will raise from the dead on the third day. And then he promised to send his spirit who would remain with them forever. Jesus wanted them to know that although they would no longer experience his physical presence and support, they neither would be alone. The disciples trusted Jesus’ words. They knew Jesus would keep his promise. And then, whenever they prayed, they sensed with their whole selves that the Spirit of Jesus was with them, helping them to show Jesus’ love in the world.

Children and young teens will find comfort in this message that they will not be left alone as they grow, search, discover, and face life’s challenges. As they expand their horizons and focus on connecting with peers and search for new people to love and care for outside of the family group, they will step into a somewhat unknown place. They will still need the protective love, guidance, and support offered by their parents, siblings, and extended family. They will need to be reassure that the significant people in their lives will continue to support them.

The words Jesus speaks to his disciples in our focus scripture, John 14:15–21, show the strong ties and intimacy between them. Our time together can help our young people to learn about how to connect everyday with the presence of God and learn that no matter what happens God’s Spirit is always there to comfort, encourage, and advocate. We will explore possibilities to grow our relationship with God in Jesus and to come to a better understanding of the constant presence of the Advocate promised by Jesus, the Holy Spirit. All children and youth are welcome to join us for Bible story time and activities on the 2nd floor after the time of conversation with the pastor. Childcare for children under 5 years old is provided on the 2nd floor of the church house as well