
Click the button below to donate.

HMPC uses PayPal for our online donations which is secured and backed by PayPal. When you click the PayPal button, you will be brought to the PayPal site, which you can make a one time or recurring donation.

If you’d like to send in your donation in check form, Please make all checks payable to High Mountain Presbyterian Chruch and send them to the address below.

730 Franklin Lakes Road, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07110

Click the button below to donate.

The church council is preparing a budget for 2017.  In order to do that effectively we need you to prayerfully estimate how much your financial support will be for next year.  Please fill out a card indicating how much you plan to give and how you will give it.

Last year our members and friends gave $108,000 in support of our ministries. From your gifts we have shared more than $30,000 with our mission outreach organizations like Habitat for Humanity, Mission at the Eastward in Maine, the Center for Food Action food pantry and others. We have invested in maintenance and improvements on our two campuses. We have organized and supported worship, education and growth in our community.

Thank you for all you have given this year! We are a small church with a big heart and a big vision, so pray and give sacrificially to keep our church growing.   This year we need to support our budget with offerings from you and others like you who believe in this church and its ministries.  Our hope is to increase our pledges and gifts from $108,000 to $116,000 this year.  We can make this goal with your help!  Give and help your church reach further into our community with the news of God’s love. We know you love this church and you want the exciting things that are happening here to continue, so please join in this commitment and do all that you can to help this ministry grow.

Please fill out the enclosed card and return it either to the church office or the collection plate in an envelope.  You may also make your pledge by email.  You can email Lynn,, the church bookkeeper.  Estimate of Giving 2017 cards are in your bulletin each Sunday In November.

On November 20th we are having a pot luck dinner after church to celebrate your giving and to share in a time of feasting and friendship.  Everyone is invited.

Faithfully Yours,
The Stewardship Committee of the Session


Annual Operating Costs $427,000
Building Rental Income $236,000
Pledges/Loose Offering $108,000
Other Gifts (Special offerings, Flowers, One Great Hour of Sharing etc.) $52,000
Total income $396,000
Mission gifts to others $32,000
Contributions of time/talents PRICELESS
Membership 110
This last calendar year we added 21 new members! Our church is growing! Each year our average worship attendance grows and our programs are growing too.
Pledged dollars for 2016
$0-500 17 members
$500-1000 17 members
$1000-2000 19 members
$2000-3000 6 members
$3000-5000 6 members
5000-7000 1 member

Click the button below to donate.