Adult Education — The School of Life Long Learning

Education and Faith are life long partners. We believe that faith is a gift from God and we believe that faith inspires the quest for understanding. Presbyterians have long believed that life long learning is part of our call from God. We seek the experience that The Apostle Paul writes about when he encourages that followers of Jesus seek the renewing of our minds.

Our Worship Services are planned to sources of inspiration and educational. We teach the meaning of our rituals even while we enact them. The sermons are designed to excite the mind and the heart trust God in all things and to learn and to do. There is so much to learn and through the hymns, prayers, sermons and the sharing of our lives in worship we are learning about God, life and each other.

We gather in small groups to intensify learning. Our Pastor teaches classes on understanding the Bible and we read and discuss the meaning of this important text which guides our faith. Our pastor teaches what he has learned and shares the ideas that are current in biblical interpretation and critical, historical understanding of the biblical texts. Bible study exposes the student to the work of biblical scholars and helps those who join the class to really understand the Bible in its time and for our time.

We have book reading groups that create opportunities to read and discuss a whole range of ideas and stories. We offer learning experiences in mission action for local and Global settings in which we are called to understand and act in compassion with our neighbors. We believe God invites us to see and understand the world and use what we learn to be a blessing on God’s behalf. We invite speakers from the community to teach us about the needs of our community and how we can participate in what God is doing in the world.

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Two bible study groups meet weekly. One is held on Tuesday Evening at 7 pm, and the other is held Wednesday Morning at 10 am. These are open groups and you are invited to join along the way. We read on chapter at a time as we make our way through the bible. Each groups has approximately 10-12 students each week. We met in the church hall.

The Book reading Group meets on Fridays at 1 pm. Everyone is welcome to join .

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